10 TV shows you like the most
9 characters you love
8 couples you ship
7 best episodes
6 worst villains
5 best actors/actresses
4 gifs of your favorite show
3 screencaps you like
2 songs played that you can’t get tired of
1 quote that changed your life
If you have never watched this show, then you need to get your butt over to youtube right now and watch the entire one and only season. My favorite is the Thanksgiving episode, I think cause you see these people interacting in some interesting ways. Though the Valentine's Episode is good as well.
The Class Episode 9 I think we all know how this episode ended. If you don't, then check
this out.
As a major shipper of Zack and Kelly how could you not love the episode where they finally started to date.
Sadly the episode isn't posted on youtube, it was but its down now. :(
If you watch the series you know what makes this episode awesome. If you're not watching the series then you might understand from this
clip, or maybe not.
Ya'll know I love me some Barry Manilow, and I love me some Will & Grace, then you go and combine the two? Pure
Honestly ya'll are lucky this isn't a list of just NewsRadio episodes. Its just so funny on so many different levels. So I encourage you to go and
watch right this second.
I can't tell you how many times I watched this episode when I was 16. I love it. I love why Pacey gets Detention. I love that
Joey and Dawson end up kissing thanks to Truth or Dare, and I just loved Abby in this one. The outsider who had them all figured out.