Woo hoo. I'm keeping up with this picture thing. It's about the only thing in my life I am keeping up with. Ha! Sick baby who doesn't like being put down + sick 3.5 year old and sick husband who make a lot of mess = tired mama.
Cupcake, take me away.
Tuesday 1.17
Still sick. So you get an uninspired picture of this alarming sign by our house.
Wednesday 1.18
Dylan was feeling better and dug out his super hero cape and mask. I love him!
Thursday 1.19
Play date at the park with his "best buddy," Seth.
Sneezy Max
Friday 1.20
Max's owning the bumbo chair
Saturday 1.21
Babies ready for gasparilla
Big kids at gasparilla
Sunday 1.22
Baby googly eyes
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