Sep 06, 2009 19:47
Not sure what the issue is, but my hip has -- er, warning for mixing metaphors here -- reared (heh - pun alert, too!) its ugly head.
Ever since I was about 12, I've known I could pop my hip out its socket. Carol Burnett demonstrated on her t.v. show that she had what she called double-jointed hips and I discovered I did too. Unfortunately, for the past 20 years, I've also had to deal with random attacks of excrutiating hip pain. I'm guessing that the two are related, but I could be wrong. The best way to describe the pain is to say that it feels like the ball of the joint is not seated quite fully in the socket. It's just a bit off-kilter, making walking (or sitting or going downstairs) excrutiatingly painful.
The doctor I've seen here has diagnosed me with at least four different issues over the past 15 years (bursitis, tendinitis, ilio-tibial band syndrome, and/or deep muscle spasms in my glueteus maximus) and has treated me for same. Sadly, none of his treatments have helped for more than the very short term ~ and I'll be very happy to NEVER receive another injection of steroids into my hip joint, thanks awfully.
So I FINALLY got smart and made an appointment with a specialist.
That's the good news.
The bad news? The soonest I can get in is late October, and that's for the most inconvenient location. If I wanted to go in to the center near my house, I'd have to wait until the week between Christmas and New Years.
The worst news? My hips HURT. I'm taking all the ibuprofen and naproxen I dare; ice/heat/water/massage don't help. It hurts to walk, to stand, to sit.
Just thought I'd share.
Honestly, I'm not sure which would be worse: discovering I have something like arthritis, rheumatism or lupus (despite whatever House says) -- or finding out that there's no way to diagnose the problem. I just want to be able to sit/stand/walk without crying.