Day 7

Sep 18, 2010 16:11

I'm sorely tempted to steal droxy's idea of doing the whole month (or, in my case, the rest of the month) in one day, but I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting more regularly.

After all, I'm sure y'all have missed me.

*crickets*So with no further ado ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

barriequark September 18 2010, 23:05:12 UTC
Actually yes, I have missed you desperately! I even have thought about flying out to see you and parachuting into your home so you wouldn't see me coming and be able to hide. LOL

Hugs to the girls for me, tell them I haven't forgotten about them!


kate952 September 20 2010, 03:30:53 UTC
Hi, honey! Y'know, we got a call about 10 days ago with a Cali area code and a "Private Caller" ID -- I nearly knocked Dana into unconsciousness trying to get to the phone while hollering, "It's Barrie!!"

It wasn't you (obviously), but it was a much-loved cousin.

Since I like and love her, "disappointed" isn't the right word.

But it's close.

You'd never recognize the girls ~ I live with them and I don't, most days -- but they sure remember and love you. As do I.

Hugs to you and yours!


shiv5468 September 18 2010, 23:06:32 UTC
ANd useful for alibis!


kate952 September 20 2010, 03:31:58 UTC
Not that I'd ever need one.



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