I am bloody tired. Len and I had a fight, a horrid fight. I am a bit upset and I think I will be for a while.
I don't think I will be around much in the coming days. I am going to be a bit out of it, trying to put some of the pieces back together with myself. I will be on set alot. But mostly I will be away.
Kate walks into her trailor and plops onto her bed. She rests her head on her pillow for a minute and pulls her laptop off the floor onto her bed, she curls up around it and opens it up fully...Work Work Work
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Hmmm.. I was at a Saterday Night Bash with holly_marie_c , holly_vall, b_j_carter_, _bey0nce, stinky1half, _b_murphy among others and I got a ring on my cell. It was Len, he got home from work wicked early. It was only 9 p.m. here in LA so I was still awake and quite perky. I nearly ran home. Lily was still at my mothers, so I had him and the house all to myself!
Oh last night was fabulous, and to boot, when I got home, I was surprised by my love being up and waiting for me... He had some white lillies waiting for me, my favorite
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