Whoever put The Reed College Thesis Experience 2009 mix CD in my mailbox, you both (τε) rock my world and (και) made my day.
Today I...
• turned in a thesis chapter (not as finished as the last one, but still more or less where it needed to be) at 5:30 am.
• biked to work by 8:30am. I have literally no memory of this (some memory of biking down Duke and feeling more awake, but otherwise no).
• engaged in silly webcam shenanigans with other Very Professional Computing Staff (cf twitter)
• explained my Thucydides chapter (the one that went in today) to Ellen and successfully defended it to her, so that's reassuring
• took a ten-minute nap that turned into a 45-minute nap
• rewrote my resume for an internship
• had an incredibly cracked-out thesis meeting1
• tried to finish internship application; wound up not sending it in
• took a two-hour nap
• had dinnarz with friends, at which I
• watched
iheartpompey do something amazingly ridiculous, hopefully soon to be on the internet
• checked my mail and found THE AWESOME MIX CD
• came back here and realized I need to go home and do my taxes.
1: Jon actually stopped in the middle and graded things for five minutes while I tried to write down the stuff we'd gone over so far. Nngh.
I will listen to nothing else for the next [x] weeks.
Ok, time to work like mad for two hours and then go the hell to sleep.