Ninth Challenge Piece

Feb 09, 2010 23:54

Title:  Addictive Toxin
Author:  Kateifer
Theme/Prompt:  Love Me Dead
Rating:  T+

Word content:  542
Start time: 9:00pm
Finish time:  11:49pm
Author's Comments:  I was listening to Love Me Dead by Ludo when this idea struck.  I don't like how it ended very much...  And dear god my writing these days sounds so EMOOOOO DDD:

Poison would do the job quicker.  At least poison doesn’t ignore your calls unless it suits it.  It doesn’t lie about where it’s been.  Poison doesn’t flirt with other girls then say, “Don’t worry babe, it doesn’t mean anything.”  Poison is faithful, and poison kills you faster.

I should have known, that guy had nothing short of a bad reputation.  I didn’t listen to my friends, and I decided to say yes when, out of the blue, he asked me out.  He was cute, and he seemed so nice when he asked me.  I thought they were wrong, that they just didn’t know him.  I should have trusted them.  My friends wouldn’t have said anything if they weren’t sure it was true.

Our first few dates were great.  We both liked action movies, he was sweet, and he bought me flowers and candy.  About a month into our time dating, he wrote me a poem and wrapped it around a single white rose for me.  Looking back on it now, it was all just some chauvinistic show to hook me in.

It worked.

I wanted to spend all my time with him.  My friends were mad at me for ditching them and my parents were worried.  I didn’t care.  I ditched my friends to be with him.  I snuck out when my parents said no.  I was addicted to him, like an alcoholic always wants another glass of wine.

Two months in was when it started.  When I noticed inconsistencies in his stories.  I just assumed that I had just remembered them wrong.  After a while, though, I knew that it wasn’t just me missing details.  I knew for sure he was lieing when he said he had been at his grandmother’s house, but later I was shown pictures online of him holding a beer at some party at his friend’s house.  His arm was around some girl I had never met.

He told me that they were just friends, and out of some stupid compulsion I believed him.  Later came more lies, more undeserved trust from me, and more chances for him to show me he only wanted me.  I couldn’t help it.  I loved him despite how he acted.

I was a stupid girl and I didn’t know better.  Looking back on it, I shouldn’t have been surprised when he finally let me go.  But he didn’t do it until he had broken me.  I couldn’t help but love him and he couldn’t help but fuck other girls.  I did all I could to make it work and he went out and drank himself into a stupor.  Tired of being cast aside, I stopped having sex with him.  Then eventually I stopped returning his calls.  He sent me an email to say we were over.  I only read the first line then deleted it.

He had worn me down until I just didn’t care.  He took his time to get under my skin.  It was in the bloodstream.  His poison, his slow and painful poison.  The poison was like a drug, and it took a long time to get it out of my system.  Now it is, but some of it always remained as a bitter taste in my mouth.

challenge, emoness

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