Summary: Kid!fic, au, gabilliam {
Disclaimer: I own this so bad; I'm also a pink nargle.
“Bilvy?” They're lying in the grass behind William's house.
“Yea, Gabe?” It's nearly dark out.
“How come you’re always sitting still?” William's parents are inside.
“Why don’t you ever sit still?” Gabe's parents are out of town.
Gabe shrugs, “I dunno.” He's staying with William for the night.
“Neither do I.” Gabe is eleven and William just turned six.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at them; same height and all that. William’s got the IQ of fucking Einstein, so him being younger isn't a barrier knowledge-wise.
" Bilvy?" William's parents don't like Gabe very much.
"Yea, Gabe?" William likes Gabe very much.
"Let's play a game."
"Okay." Gabe sits up excitedly.
"You're the dog, okay?"
"But I'm not a dog."
"You're pretending," Gabe explains. William just blinks. "Don't you ever play pretend?" William shook his head & sat up. "Really?" William nods cautiously. "Okay, well- It's easy. You just . . . pretend."
William raises an eyebrow and Gabe smiles at him.
"Okay, so act like a dog."
"Woof," Will says plainly.
"Dog's don't sit like that," Gabe notes. William doesn't move. "Like this," he orders, getting down on all fours and letting his tongue loll out. William giggles.
"You be the dog, then."
"Then, you're the cat."
"Be a cat." William actually obliges this time and gets on his hands and knees facing William.
Gabe grins, "Ready?" William nods uncertainly.
Gabe growls and pounces. William is quick on his feet - but really, he’s on his knees - and scampers out of the way with a small squeak. Gabe’s smile only grows because William actually sounded like a cat. William crawls toward the deck, intending to take refuge under it, but Gabe leaps on top of it & catches William's foot, pulling him back.
"Got ya," Gabe laughs before letting out a playful yip.
William's grinning, "What's the point of that?"
Gabe is stretched out, lying half on top of William, his forearms on William's chest, so he can look at the boy. He shrugs.
"It's fun, right?" William nods, still smiling and a bit out of breath. "That's the point."
"Oh," William mumbles. He thinks for a few minutes and Gabe leaves him be because Gabe knows William and he knows William hates to be interuppted when he's thinking. "Hey, Gabe?" William says when he's done thinking & looks up to see Gabe half asleep on his chest.
"Hmm, yea?" Gabe pulls himself back into his semi-lying down postion and smiles sleepily at William. "What's up?"
William grins, "Meow," and flips over, toppling them both off the deck. Gabe takes off laughing joyously as William playfully prowls after him.
"You're doing it wrong," Gabe laughs, having too much fun to really care. "Th- The dog is supposed to get the cat!" he sqeals as William grapples at his ankles.
William laughs, "You're just mad 'cause I'm winning!"
"Nuh-uh!" Gabe's protest turns in another shout as William tackles him. Gabe is a bit surprised because William has never been a very rough person. He, kind of, likes this side of Will.
"I win," William states plainly.
"I won last time," Gabe reminds him.
"That was practice."
"Was not."
"Was to."
"Boys!" William's mom is on the deck. "Get out of the mud; it's freezing out here! Come on inside, now." Gabe grins and flips, so he's on top while William's attention is diverted.
"I win," Gabe whispers as William's mom calls for them once again. They dash into the warm house together and take seats in the floor by the TV. William doesn't like TV, but there's a fire going. So, he watches the flames while Gabe enjoys a classic episode of Spongebob.
William's mom returns to the kitchen - she’s always in the kitchen - so, not a word is said when Gabe's hand snakes over to clasp around William’s comfortably.
Gabe is proud; he has shown William how to pretend. You know, it's not very often Gabe gets to teach William something