I want to make this posting out of respect for Elizabeth Moon. Why respect? Because I've met her and was inspired by her; because she's published lots of original SF novels and I'm still trying to get there; because it's her country and not mine; because, although I haven't the heart to check Google, I'll bet right now she is being dragged through
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I've only read one response to Ms Moon (from mondyboy, who was outraged but focussed on her statements rather than her person). I won't seek out further responses, because the quality of online debate is so poor that I am unlikely to learn anything new or worthwhile from it without wading through a ton of slag looking for a gem.
IMHO, one of the reasons for that poor quality is a persistent focus on character instead of statements - a focus which quickly sours into cyberbullying. Online fandom is not rigorous about the truth, and it loves to define in and out groups. Again IMHO, this is one reason so little of the discussion is fruitful.
In the face of all this noise, what can I contribute that others already aren't? Two things, I hope. One, debunking - my cherished hobby! The "bad citizen" thing is the spine of Ms Moon's argument; remove it, and the whole thing comes tumbling down. Obviously, there are plenty more bones to pick (mondyboy addresses the assimilation business with more authority than I ever could ( ... )
I'm looking forward to your post.
I wasn't burned by racewank '07 - I was shattered by it. I'm still dealing with the psychological fallout. But it's had two very positive results. First, when someone told me that what I would do next was to run away crying about how mean the Black girls were, I created seeingred instead. I have a long way to go, but everything I have learned since then has benefitted me enormously. Second, it forced me to deal with the damage done to my soul by bullying in high school. In turn, dealing with that makes it possible for me to continue struggling with the issues, rather than hiding under the bed. :)
But enough of this airy persiflage! Your comments will of course be most welcome on whatever I end up scribbling. :)
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