Blast from the past

Jan 17, 2011 23:22

One of the benefits of being 60 years old. Spoilers for tonight's Hawaii 5-0 behind the cut. in "Ponch" from "C.H.I.P.S.", which they referenced quite a bit on tonight's episode. If I didn't already love the show, I would now! I love how the writers make references to things that were popular back when the original "5-0" was on and make them part of the story. The first episode with that brief glimpse of one of the land-yacht Chrysler Imperials that they used to use on the show. The appearance of a character,(who is probably a bad guy) named "Wo Fat".. a recurring character in the original series...nemesis of the elder McGarrett. For a brand new series, they've really had a strong start..I hope they can carry this over into next season.

hawaii 5-0

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