Dear Customers: I'm sorry I don't immediately recognize what drink you're talking about when you ask for a 'regular'.
As far as I'm concerned, 'regular' coffee is what you get when you don't want decaf. Apparently, in the Country Next Door, it's a medium coffee with two creams (or milks, possibly) and two sugars. As for the requested "Americano"..well, at least I know what it is now , but since we're not the Coffee Goddess store, I've never been asked for one before. Today, for some unknown reason, we were swamped with odd requests for coffee concoctions. And my partner on counter and I were getting the 'stink-eye' from quite a few people when we didn't immediately recognize what drink they were referencing. Nothing like going through two pots of coffee in less than 5 minutes.
And yes, we're part of a chain of restaurants that have outlets in your country, just like the big chain restaurant that you have has outlets here. But that doesn't necessarily mean that all the restaurants have the exact same menu! So, no, we don't have green tea bags or decaf tea bags and we generally put cream in our coffees while you put milk. So lets try to embrace our differences instead of making an issue out of them!
Hoping for some peace in the workplace!