I really liked sharing with people before what I was reading. It worked well in a former post, and it really makes me feel like I am making progress. So, here is what i have read since March 2007:
The German Ideology by Karl Marx
Capital by Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles
On the Jewish Question by Karl Marx
Philosophy of Right by GWF Hegel
Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Either/Or by Soren Kierkegaard
The Piano Lesson by August Wilson
Metaphysical Dilemmas: The Subversive Method of Black Comediennes by DoVeanna Fulton
Statism and Anarchy by Mikhail Bakunin
Globalization and Democracy- the working paper of Michael Hardt
what i am working on right now...literally
Discipline and Punish by Michael Foucault
CLR James Reader- Compiled by Anna Grimshaw
Beyond a Boundary: An autobiography of CLR James
Mama's Baby- Papa's Maybe- Horrace Spillers
Some Group Matters- Patricia Hill Collins
More on CLR James and Tim Hector