I was coming home from Glasgow the other day and I passed this accident. A beer truck had slamed into the side of a building, it looked pretty crazy. But to add insult to injury...it was a Canadian beer truck...I felt scandalised! I've been looking for canadan beer ever sice arriving. Haven't seen any since.
remmeber when you licked sangria off hotness's floor? why did this craze accident not happen into someone's house? i'm sure they'd get free beer for life!
My Keiths! This is my beer of choice!! Did you ever read Charles Dickens? A tale of Two Cities? Well at the beignning, this big keg of wine breaks in the middle of the road and all the kids are swimming in it and all the grownups are drinking it up off the streets.... thats ecactly what I would have been doing! glass or no glass! I mean free beer cmon now!
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