I think all student loans are variable rate, unless you consolidate. . . although my consolidation payment just doubled. . . What's Mom all snappish about now? My toe actually hurts alot, I think I'm going to have to get both my big toenails removed again, but they also are just cut and blistered in SO many places. As soon as they're better, I'm buying the comfiest shoes ever. I don't care how much they cost. Maybe he CAN get officer training there; I don't know if he gets a choice where he goes tho. Bekah loves to clean- they need to get together and play~ sorry about the insurance, hope they change their mind or at least give it a second thought. Love, Mel
Comments 2
tired and cramping...but what's the use...?
Promise me you'll get your toes taken care of asap, ok?
I know that after 3 13 hour days at the movie theatre, I was
ready to quit!
Yeah, spend some money, take care of yourself.
Love you
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