The idea that good grades will eventually lead to great riches may be documented at the national level as well. A recent study by the American Council on Education shows that the number one goal for 74 percent of college freshmen is to be "very well off financially." This attitude represents a shift since 1967, when 82 percent of entering students
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Comments 2
Also, maybe related to the thing that people nowadays need college degrees in order to get decent jobs. Just a high school degree doesn't cut it anymore, so now you gotta do the motions to get that college degree. I'm sure grad students (masters, PhDs, etc.) are less grade grubbing and more for the learning. Although seems like more and more ppl are getting masters just to have a bit of extra b/c seems like everyone's got a college degree now.
Interesting book, maybe I should read it sometime. Although I'm not into reading that sort of book, I'd rather listen to radio/watch tv/read an article about it. I think I prefer reading books with fun stories.
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