Lies; creative writing piece.

Sep 22, 2010 19:30

My first Creative Writing piece ... just kind of curious what people think. 
Feel free to comment!

I am a liar.

Yet, no one would believe me if I told them so; it’s just not who I seem to be. I have lied so many times over that if I had to pay someone a dollar every time I lied, then I’d owe them nearly a thousand dollars by now. Because that’s exactly it, I’ve told nearly a thousand lies, yet I can’t stop. No matter what I do, they just keep coming to me.

Every time I have been asked how I am, what I’m feeling; I’ve told them a lie. It’s just too perfect of a world to be upset and depressed all the time. I don’t want to be like one of those people on those TV ads, the ones sitting alone as they watch their family or friends play and enjoy their lives. But inside, that’s where I am most at home. The busy outside world is no home to me, and the ads the TV plays, asking if the viewer wants a certain medication to rid them of the pain, draw me back to the one place I am safe.

Lies have become a part of who I am, who I long to be, and they let me create the world I want to live in. Because there, I don’t worry about what’s on my mind, or what I am missing, but instead, I can live inside the world that I have created in my head. The world I want to be able to live in, the world that I long to see play out in my life, and not just in my head.

But there’s a problem with being a liar. Everyone thinks they are bad people, that they should lie and always tell the truth. But I like it, lying is a fun game. Because what would people gain by only telling the truth anyways? And would constant truth telling be for better or for worse? Would some friends, who want to be more, be more? Or would friendships be ruined by the idea that someone is not who the other wants them to be?

For me, lying comes easily. And in fact, it should for anyone.

It’s not hard to tell someone who you would never want to see again that you wouldn’t mind going to a movie with them, if all you know you’ll do is watch the movie anyways. Faking a smile, when your best friend tells you that she’s dating the guy you’ve only been trying to get the courage to ask out for a year, is easy. Swallowing your sorrow and grinning when asked how a horrible week you just had is simple. The fake, overjoyed reply to your boss or parents, when asked to take your personal time to commit to a group effort that you’re not interested in is an easy mask to slip on.

Those are the rules I play by. The ideas that shape the person I am. The things I stand up for. Lying is just my own personal way of life.
The replies you can receive from telling a friend of an “amazingly awesome” weekend that really was spent by you slaving away at school work and running useless errands for family members you hate aren’t a lie. Or at least you can hope they aren’t. But, just like most people never know the pain that goes into every “its fine” or every silent tear that you cover up, you never will know with the people you talk to. It’s easy to slip on a mask for a minute, an hour, a day, a month, or even a year. And you see; living a life as a liar shouldn’t be such an easy game to play, but it is, and it sure as hell is a fun one.

Trust me; I’ve played it very well for the past ten years.

writing: original fiction

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