I've never seen New Yorkers so happy. Most of America is in a state of euphoria (except my mother-in-law but she's crazy...) and so very proud of themselves for managing to actually elect an African American into the Oval Office.
It is definitely better than McCain, and gives me so hope for the future but on election day, America also managed to do this:
California: banned gay marriage [thankfully, ACLU+ are challenging this in court
Arkansas: banned gay couples and unmarried couples from adopting or fostering children [WTF!]
Arizona: banned gay marriage
Colorado: banned gay marriage & rejectsed spousal benefits gay couples (Amendment 43; Referendum I)
Nebraska: Ended affirmative action [right..cause everyone has equal rights nowadays and no one gets dismissed because of gender, race or whatnot...*snort*]
Florida: Banned Gay Marriage; Voted to keep outdated and discriminatory passage in Florida's constitution that prohibits "aliens ineligible for citizenship" from owning property.
Sometimes, I just want to bang my head against something and wish I spoke cat.