Title: We Were Only Trying to Help
Rating: K+
Summery: They were only trying to help a witness, they weren't expecting to get caught.
Authors Note: The genre on this one is "Caper/Heist". Just a small fun thing, light a a bit fluffy. Written for
15genres1prompt and the month of mayhem (yeah mayhem!) on
We Were Only Trying to Help
“How is it possible that neither of you have your badges?” Stan asked, passing outside of a holding cell in a small eastern Arizona town.
“We weren’t planning on getting caught.” Mary said, as if it was obvious. Stan simply glared at her.
“What were you thinking? Wait, don’t answer that. Obviously you weren’t thinking.”
“We were trying to help Beth and John…” Marshall started before trailing off after looking at Stan.
Stan knew why they were here. The sheriff in this backwater town miles off the freeway had told him, over the phone, at three o’clock in the morning. Two people claiming to be US Marshals had been found inside a jewelry store-the only one in over 100 miles-after hours, with a known felon and a man that had been tied up behind the counter.
“We were just trying to help,” Marshall said again, knowing that it wasn’t going to make Stan any less furious at them.
“Help! HELP! Tell you what,” Stan said, coming close to the cell, almost pushing through the bars, “Next time you want to ‘help’ make sure to let the local PD know what you’re doing. Or, better yet, don’t trip the silent alarm!”
“How is not tripping the silent alarm better than telling the local PD?” Mary asked; laughter in her voice.
Stan stopped passing, again, and glared at Mary before walking down the hallway towards the exit.
They were silent as they listened to his footsteps fade down the hall and then the door slam.
“Do you think he’s going to get us out of here?” Mary asked after the sound of the door faded.
“We should have called that lawyer that Brandi had; she would have gotten us out of here by now.” Marshall said, sitting on the narrow metal bench against the wall and closing his eyes.
“He’s going to leave us in here isn’t he?” Mary asked, joining her partner.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he is.”
“We’ve still got one phone call.”
“Pretty sure he took care of that too.”
“I hate witnesses.”
“I know Mary, I do to.”