Fic: Pain drabble

Dec 05, 2013 09:16

Title: Pain
Rating: T
Summery: She didn't think it would end like this.
Authors note: A drabble written for the December 2013 week 1 challenge over at brigits_flame prompt "feelings". Not tied to any fandom.

Tears slid down her cheeks as the burning boat floated further from shore. This wasn’t how she thought it would happen. She thought she would have a place to visit, a place to remember. But that couldn’t be. And now as she turned from the light, blinding in the dark of night, she knew that she would never return to this spot. This spot where they had meet. Where he had died. The walk up the shore was slow, methodical. She concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. Life would go on, eventually, and she would survive.

original fic, brigit's flame

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