Well, received notes on the revised outline.
As I half-expected there was that bane of all notes: "Make it funnier." *sigh* And other stuff as well that has the exec in charge requesting another draft rather than going to script. Of course in theory this means the script should go quickly and smoothly. Surprise! It never works out like that. There is always something I put into the outline that has me thumping my forehead onto the desk in despair wondering why I wrote that as I can't make it happen visually.
Anyway, of course with the notes to read and then further queries to story editor to make, I turned my attention to the spec novel. :-) Avoid one bit of writing with another. It worked. Chapter One is done, at least to the best of my ability at this point. Then on to Chapter Two, at last. YAY! Back to the 1800s.
On other fronts, house guests (lovely, low-maintenance house guests who don't mind not seeing me much and don't expect concierge services) departed this morning. Then I learned my personal equivalent of "marking my territory." I cleaned. The first post-guest laundry load of linens went into the washing machine, the floor was vacuumed, furniture restored to normal positions, and the place was incontrovertibly mine, all mine, within two hours of their departure. Then I went back to bed since I'd only had three hours sleep. :-)
My writers group meets Tuesday, then Duel Monsters duelling Tuesday evening (perhaps, if we both make it this time), and sometime this week going to see "Miracle" with
declineandfall, and another trip to Charleston, A.T.
At least the novel is moving forward and I'm mostly pleased. May not sing as I wish, but at least it's pretty much on-key. I go for the small victories when the large ones escape me.