
Jun 19, 2006 12:38

My Lazy Sunday.

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Comments 11

justgoodnight June 19 2006, 19:07:19 UTC
that color teal looks really pretty on you! and your work is really adorable and bright and cheery.


kathleenforsure June 20 2006, 19:02:15 UTC
Thank you! I love my office- I work in an old warehouse and my desk is in a corner with two huge windows facing bricktown - I never take it for granted.


annienothing June 19 2006, 19:21:20 UTC
you look gorgeous! your lips make you look like a porcelain doll. p.s. do you work with someone named chris elledge?


kathleenforsure June 20 2006, 19:03:36 UTC
That is so sweet! I never think of my lips much...

I do work with Chris. How do you know him?


cloverdryad June 19 2006, 21:52:59 UTC
You are hot and so is your office.


kathleenforsure June 20 2006, 19:03:47 UTC
Psah- you're hot.


meanreds June 20 2006, 00:52:36 UTC
Do you ever stop and go "Oh my God, I am a grown-up with such a cool life!"?


kathleenforsure June 20 2006, 19:04:51 UTC
All the time! I still can't believe it, really! However, on the flip side it can be overwhelming at times. I miss summer vacay.


Howdy dancingeyes_ June 21 2006, 00:09:29 UTC
Office is cool, desk is neat. You look great.
But what's the deal with the girl in the picture on the webpage?
Her picture scares me.
They should use yours.



Re: Howdy kathleenforsure June 21 2006, 13:04:06 UTC
Haha. That's actually a brochure I'm working on. She's a nurse at a hospital- she's super cute!! It's probably just the angle.


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