I'll try to give you a heads up before I get into town. It'll probably be the end of next week. Here's my digits: 303-416-0587 Maybe we could get a drink or something. Tell Jenny I want to see her too.
My friend called me earlier and said "Hey, I was watching a rerun of the hot dog contest..I think I saw that girl that you knows brother talking about the sideshow that he works in.." and I was like "Yeaaah! She mentioned that, but I never saw it!" Sweet :)
I'm so proud. It's like - who runs off to be a freak and is actually successful? Sure, he doesn't have health insurance or a 401K but he's living the dream. I'm so proud of him.
It goes straight back into the nasal cavity. If you look at a skull - the place where the two big holes at the nose are - that's where the nail goes. What freaks me out is he had an xray taken of it and the nail is sooo close to his spine. That creeps me out. And the drill in his nose is a little intense.
Comments 16
I'm going to be in your neck of the woods in about a week or so if you want to meet up.
Sweet :)
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