
Jul 12, 2006 10:30

Rockers v. ModsWe had a rockers v. mods party Saturday night for Sarah and Tom's birthday/going away party ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

waytogoeinstein July 12 2006, 18:56:56 UTC
Thank you for the party. It was fun.

Thanks (in a sarcastic way) for the only picture of me being a sweaty pit pic. Proppa.

Seriously, nice pictures. That "sluts" dude made my night.


kathleenforsure July 15 2006, 02:04:20 UTC
I need a spider catcher!!


thechoopakhoda July 12 2006, 19:57:01 UTC

the moustache has to stay. HAS. TO.


tofutti_break July 12 2006, 22:08:17 UTC
You are so freaking cute! And I agree with the 'stache! I'm pretty excited that he did that. Love it. Doesn't wearing fake eyelashes make you feel sooo much more gorgeous? To me it does anyways..gives you all kinds of crazy confidence. Maybe I'm just crazy..:)


kathleenforsure July 13 2006, 17:41:09 UTC
That's sweet! Thanks!

I loved the fake lashes. It kind of gave me porn star confidence- but not in a sexual way.. nevermind.


stab_everyone July 13 2006, 01:09:46 UTC
sascha has some HOT bangs going on there!


kathleenforsure July 13 2006, 17:38:52 UTC
I think they're modelled after some hot french mod girl!


justgoodnight July 13 2006, 03:45:47 UTC
these are all really adorable. are you wearing fake eyelashes? if not, you have really good eyelashes. but I really think you look the most beautiful in the last one.


kathleenforsure July 13 2006, 17:38:10 UTC
Yes! People asked me all night if they were real or fake. I want to wear them everyday for the rest of my life.

That is so sweet! I hadn't even taken my makeup off from the night before and was feeling slightly scuzzy... But my margarita made me really happy.


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