Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Where was
angrysarge born? Louisiana, I think...(I should know this...)
2) Is
saxchick05 a high school student? not anymore!
3) Do you have
angrysarge's screenname? yes...
4) Did
blagthestag break up with you? more or less, actually...teehee
5) Is
blagthestag dead sexy? heck yes
6) Does
grossdomestic have a dog? no
7) Does
callidafemina go to your school? nope!
8) Do
callidafemina and
bluejade04 go to the same school? no
9) One quality you find attractive in
angrysarge? his freckles
10) How tall is
bluejade04? 5'...8?
11) Does
blagthestag smoke? I hope not...
12) Does
flarah_synn have a big secret? always
13) Are
angrysarge and
callidafemina going steady? they better not be *shakes fist meancingly*
14) When did you last call
grossdomestic? yesterday
15) What languages does
callidafemina speak? english...
16) Is
angrysarge 1337? I'm not sure what that means...
17) Have you ever dated
grossdomestic? I wish!
18) Are
blagthestag and
callidafemina married? no, but their parents wish they were
19) If
angrysarge were hanging off a cliff, what would
grossdomestic do? pull a Jack Bauer
20) Would
callidafemina go out with
blagthestag? ha...ha...
21) Is
callidafemina a college student? yes
22) What mental disorder does
saxchick05 remind you of? down syndrome isn't a mental disorder...
23) Is
saxchick05 introverted or extroverted? extroverted, especially when drunk
24) What do you agree with
bluejade04 about? whether or not she's too cool for school...
25) Does
grossdomestic do drugs? no