New Year's Day is coming, so I am bringing back my Goal Setting posts and stepping it up a notch!
For those of you who are unfamiliar - I used to work as a case manager in residential programs designed to teach people how to live more independently. One day I was writing an annual progress report for one of the residents and I realized she had made more improvement in her life in that year than I had made in mine.
She had a plan, with measurable objectives and reminders to follow that plan. I had written that plan for her. I could write a plan for myself.
Since that time, I have adapted the goal-setting steps and strategies for friends, organizations, and small businesses. I've led several LJ friends through the process individually and as a group.
This year I'm doing something different. I've set up a separate LiveJournal account for the purpose of hosting a six-week goal setting workshop.
The best things about setting up a separate account are
- All the goal setting information and discussion will be in one place.
- People can participate in the goal setting without having to friend my personal LJ.
- I can set up "friends filters" on the workshop journal so each person will have privacy for discussing individual goals. You can decide who is on your filter, so it can be completely private (just you and me) or I can add in any and/or all other participants to be your buddies/support/cheerleaders.
I love that part.
Here's how it works:
goals_workshop will be the location for the workshop. People who donate will be added as friends of that account. I'm asking for a $20 donation, in the form of a one-time Amazon gift certificate purchase,1 to participate.
2. Each step of the goal setting process will be posted as a friends-only post. I will post one step every few days, beginning December 19. Questions and discussion can happen in comments on each post.
3. The workshop will last for six weeks, ending January 31. New participants can join in at any time before January 15.
4. I will establish a filtered "coaching" post for each participant. You decide who sees that information. We'll use that space for your updates and any specific personal help you want on your goals.
5. Because I'll be assisting each person individually, you work at your own pace.
6. Through the month of January I will post tips on how to make updates and revisions to your plan, and continue individual coaching.
Amazon e-mail gift cards sent to Be sure and put your LJ name on there so I will know. Thanks!