Persona meme

Jan 11, 2007 18:51

Just because everyone else was doing it... :)

1. What is your SCA name? (You don't have to write the full name, just your first name if you want.) - Majer Déva. Déva’s actually my first name, but Hungarians write ‘em switched around.

2. What is your home kingdom? - Northshield

3. Have you ever lived in another kingdom? If so, where? - The Midrealm, I guess, before Northshield became a kingdom.

4. Do you remember your first SCA event? When/what was it? - Hmmm. My first local event was probably Thatsa Mare. My first out-of-town event was, I believe, WW. About 9.5 years ago.

5. Do you have any awards? (You don't have to list them if you don't want) - An AoA and a Crwth, that’s it (but are they null-and-void because I switched my persona?).

6. Do you list them after your name in communications like e-mail? - Nope, not usually. I think they may be listed on my “signature” in my email account, which I never use.

7. Do you have a device? - Sure don’t. Not period for my persona. I guess I would fly the Árpád flag, and a flag of the turul bird.

8. Do you use it? On what? - N/A

9. Are you on all the kingdom/society lists available to you, or do you avoid them? - I’m on the Northshield Hall, the Mare Am list, and the Border Downs list. I’m also on the NCB and Magyar SCA lists.

10. Do you keep your Pennsic/Estrella/Gulf Wars/etc. site tokens? - I actually this I have all the site tokens from all the events I’ve been to, scattered in various places. It would probably be difficult to find them all. My Pennsic tokens around here somewhere…

11. Do you keep the favours you've been given by royalty/friends/SOs, etc.? - I think I’ve only ever been given one thing by royalty, which was a ring a received with my AoA. I still have it, and still wear it when I go later period. I still have everything any of my friends have ever given me - those mean a lot to me.

12. Do you call your friends by their SCA names even when you're not at an event? - Depends. I used to use SCA names a lot, but now I tend to try and learn people’s real names. I think if a person’s from the group I live in, I’ll use their real name, but if they live out-of town I’ll use their SCA name.

13. Do you go out to dinner in garb after an event? - Nope. I like to be in mundanes.

14. Do you have all kinds of garb, or do you generally stick to one period? - Oh man. Well, now that I’ve changed my persona to Magyar, I’ll be sticking to only Magyar/Hungarian garb. However, I have my conquest period stuff (which I’ll wear the most often…need to make some more though), I have some 11th century stuff, and some 14th century. I’ll just be a time-traveling Hungarian.

15. How many interests do you have within the SCA? What's your favourite? - Bardic is really my first love in the SCA. I’m also really into research, especially Magyar research, sewing, waterbearing, and I’m getting more into embroidery….I also like to dabble in a lot of other stuff too (illumination, beadmaking, dancing, shoemaking, etc.).

16. Do you have an SCA-oriented web site (to show off projects, keep dress diaries, etc.)? - Nope.

17. Do you maintain a hairstyle that is more period style than modern? How about any other part of your appearance? - I’ve been growing my hair out because a) I want to eventually donate it to Locks of Love, and b) I can make better Magyar-style braids this way. I also got my ears pierced this past Monday, because Magyars would have had their ears pierced. Otherwise…don’t plan on cutting holes into my skull, thanks.

18. Do you tell "No $###, there I was" stories? (Admit it.) - I bet I do, but I can’t remember any right now.

19. Authenticity is Fun. Yes or no? Why? - Yes!!!! I am becoming so anal with this Hungarian stuff. And it’s FUN! I think it’s fun for me because it lets me be more in touch with my heritage.

20. Is there one modern thing at events that really bugs you? - Cars. Please move them out of sight once you’ve set up camp.

Bonus Question! 21. Everyone has a shameful garb/accessory mistake hidden somewhere in their past. What's yours? (We're all friends here, we promise not to laugh. Much.) - I think all my “shameful” mistakes would come from how disgustingly non-period a lot of the stuff I made when I was first starting out was. I can’t remember any specifically right now. Anyone? :)

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