So even though I was kind of prepared for my first chill night at home last night in over a week, cousin and I ended up going to see Inception.
I expected to be disappointed, I really did. Lately, when movies or books get hyped up, I find them complete and utter letdowns. I'd heard good things about this movie from people I trusted, but still, the entertainment world has burned my fingers too many times, I am no longer a trusting soul. But holy crap, this thing lived up to its hype.
There's a lot I want to say, but so much of it would spoil the movie, and I think people aught to go see this, especially those lurking here who enjoy having your brain bent six degrees from sideways. The whole movie is built on dream psychology, and levels of consciousness, and how that can be manipulated and twisted. But they stayed away from the conspiracy plot I was expecting, and for that I wanted to hug them. No one was a pawn in the big bad's master plan, and there was no "oh my God we've all been trapped in the Matrix!" moment. Some may consider this spoilery, but if you're going for a Matrix conspiracy movie, that's not what you're getting, so it's less spoiler, and more fair warning.
But yes, worlds built of memory and imagination, and the question of what reality really is and where, and so much subtle and not so subtle symbolism, yes please. They were so good at planting things through the movie that led you in all sorts of crazy directions, and after the whole thing was done you just had to sit there and let it all sort of sink in. They took the dream world, and, at least in my opinion, they did it right. I didn't leave going "that was good, but woopse I just fell into a plot hole," at least that I spotted the first time around, and the plot held up to the intense scrutiny it went through on the car ride home. And I realize all this description is incredibly vague and unhelpful, but so many of the specifics either relate to the plot, or they're so fun when you see them and aren't expecting it, that I'd hate to ruin the experience. My only confusion comes from fandom, and the pairings they have selected. Most of them, I do not actually see, even the slash. And we all know I can pick out slash anywhere. But that is not the movie's fault, and I will forgive it.
I need to see it again, just to try to follow the plot and figure things out, but that won't be for a while (9.25 to see a movie? The hell?) but I'm looking forward to dysecting it more.
another busy week for me, and then moving on Saturday, and holy crap do I have a lot to do. But for now, I shall be lazy, because I can.