I said be careful, his bowtie is really a camera

Jul 15, 2005 03:34

This is just something that needs to be on here- out of pure hilarity ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

lprdsden July 15 2005, 17:04:25 UTC
i have to know how you came up with that name for your box turtle...sounds like the iguana and turtle are interesting characters...maybe i should invest in some sort of pet but one that is furry :P



squishy clarence squeakers culligan III katididwhatnow July 17 2005, 02:01:16 UTC
Well my dear, I wanted to call it Squishy first off because of one of my favorite movies Finding Nemo, plus it's kind of ironic because turtles are not Squishy. Clarence only because Chris did find him for me (saved him on a blind curb) and he for some reason likes clarence so I compromised and put it as a middle name. Then Squeakers because of another good movie, the Emporer's New Groove, it just rolled off the tongue. Then Culligan cuz he's mine and the II because well, it works. Plus I have had two turtles before this, it's true. Hope this explains it.


Re: squishy clarence squeakers culligan III lprdsden July 17 2005, 18:39:33 UTC
That explains the name :) i just figure names that are that long and descriptive tend to have a story behind them. i like it. it's a good turtle name.


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