Just watched the last 20 minutes or so of Vampire Diaries. I have no idea what was going on and somehow I think it's best that way.
Way to be supportive, zombie!Jess
LOL! "Eat it, Twilight!"
There is no end to how much I love Cas sneaking up on Dean like that.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel!!
Didn't poop for a week! OMGOD! I love Dean.
Suck on that, random annoying blond chick.
I also love Dean fixing up Cas.
A: I love Cas and his upside-down badge so hard. B: How did Dean get a picture of Cas and why did he put it in an FBI badge?
YES!! I saw the preview clip of this scene!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
OMG. Random annoying blond chick needs to go away. I mean, I'm pretty sure she's a demon or something, so hopefully that means she'll die. I will get great satisfaction from this.
MMMMMMMMMMMMM...rumbled Cas.....
So they just randomly leave?
So I love Sam and I love Dean/Sam, but I could seriously watch the Dean/Castiel show all fucking day.
KILL HER!! Please, please, PLEASE kill her.
AWWW! Cas covers Dean from the shards of glass.
Oh. Oh. Now they're wet. Oh. My lady parts enjoy this.
"Today you're my little bitch!" HOLY SHIT, BEST QUOTE EVER.
Oh, Pellegrino!Lucifer, you shape shifting bitch. GIVE HIM EVERYTHING! ON THE BED!
That's not good.