tomorrow is monday..

May 15, 2005 22:27

hey guys.. ahh i am so ready for summer.. i really don't know if i am going to be able to make it through the next two weeks.. they are going to kill me! well tomorrow is monday.. mondays always suck.. haha from the movie office space: "looks like somebody has a case of the mondays" haha that's an awesome movie. so it super troopers. haha if you ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

adj_to_noun May 16 2005, 16:22:04 UTC
as a good friend...i know that kevin is your brother (score!)

and we should sooo get together over the summer and watch those movies (cuz i havnt seen them)


katie_reidy May 16 2005, 17:44:26 UTC
omgoodness! that is the bestest idea ever!! we'll laugh until our tummies hurt! haha. yes go drewbie! :) kevin is my brother, a pretty cool one at that. haha but yes we do need to hang out lots this summer. hey and along with those movies we will have to rent "first daughter" because we never did see that together.. remember i starred in it (katie holmes!) haha good times. ohh and i did post my wall comment for you, next to yours haha, with our lopsided hearts <3. haha they're awesome! later drewbie, xoxo



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