HOW COULD JOE BE TOO BUSY TO PLAY QUIDDITCH WITH ME!? I needed that distraction! This can't be happening. But it is. Oh Godric. No. Stop it Katie. Don't be such a bloody coward. You're a Gryffindor, you should be able to tell a man you like him. Alright, just take Blaise's advice and say it. OK, here goes.
Cass, I just wanted to say that I think I might... There is a possibility that ... I think you're ... I fancy you ... Oh bollocks. ... Duncan is doing much better. You're a disgrace to Gryffindor House, Katharine Leela Bell, honestly.
How could this happen?! This is the sort of thing my brothers have been warning me about my whole life! I used to be more like Ange, if I was still like her I'd never like a Slytherin! It's all because Terence and Alicia dated, damnit! Yes! That's it!
I suppose technically I should yell at Alicia too. But I don't want to upset her. If she's mad at me who will come over and eat ice cream and drink and cry with me over my entirely hopeless crush? Especially since Ange and I aren't speaking. Not that I'd tell her about this anyway, mind.
Ali... I need you.
Lavender's horoscope was actually right. Merlin.