I just read Jordan's live journal which was a review of ine, which was really a review in Nike's! So that can be my commenting on another studen's work for week 10.
The tone dramatically changed which I found really strange. It started off accepting what others think, and purposely writing that he hoped not to offend me. I wasn't really that offended as I like to read what other people think, especially about religious matters. He vioced his opinion that he feels there is no "one true religion"- Blake would be so adopting him if he was still alive. And, I saw where he was coming from. I mean the points he rasied that all of us think diffrenetly is so true, however we are united by our faith in God, the core beleiefs we live out and the fundamental aspects of our faith. Yes there are people that don't live their faith accuratly, there are people of every faith who are extremests, but
WHY IS THAT GOD'S FAULT? Why do people always thank God when good things happen:
" thank God, I got an 'A' for my assignment"
" it's not raining today, thank God"
" I'm feeling better today, thank God".
However, when there are wars, murders, divorcves, people immediatly blame God. WHY?
Uni students: I don't have the answers for why everything happens, and to be honest NO ONE DOES. Philsophers, proffesors, theologians or spiritual guiders can suggest answers, but no one knows.
Jordan futher wrote how he through by comment that we should only idolise God is a bit "extreme". I don't understand what is extreme about that. I was raised to beleive that, I go to Church where we profess that, I teach this at my Church youth group and to kids I've taken through the sacraments in my Church. One of my friends has strayed from the faith, and is finding themself in a rather difficult point in their life. I told them of thre importance of the faith, and going to Church to get them through this difficult period, to have faith that with God's power and love anythijg is possible. I was so delighted to hear that my friend is going back to Church, and I found a Bible sitting next to her bed, which they have been reading. It is such a fulfilling thing to know that we al have the power to show people God.
I was deeply offended and put off by the way Jordan continually wrote profanities about God. The God we perceive, whether it be up in the clouds, or in the flower or sitting next to me, is the same GOD. I wish people could see that. And, I think that Chruch helps people. The sacrament of Confession most certiainly helps myself and a lot of people I know. If this fills the hole in someone's life, I am really thrilled. I think Jordan should show a little more respect for people's opinions by not using such language that can offend.
Overall, I see his passion, and understood that Jordan's notion of religion is very different to mine. I don'tdo things because I'm a shepard
If I don't eat meat on Friday's in Lent, I know why.
If I got to confession before I receive the Eucharist, I know why.
If I beleive that marriage is forever, I know why.
If I beleive that God is all around me, I know why.
If I beleive that contraception, abortion, murder and suicide is immoral, I know why.