
Dec 01, 2005 11:30

So even though I won't have any kind of life in the theater next semester I am still determined to grow as an artist and a performer. So my friends, the ragtime rejects, and I will be putting on a cabaret full of musical theater songs, scenes and dances. And I'm in charge. I just have to get it cast, set some dates and purpose the idea...and it's ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

You never cease to amaze me. lastresort9 December 2 2005, 00:13:12 UTC
Whether it be through shear talent and beauty or this undying fire that you have inside of you, you always surprise me and bring smiles to my face. I am very proud of you for taking such a proactive role with all of this. Your determination and pluck (yes, I said pluck) are incredible. I know you will do amazing because that is the only way you do things. I wish I sometimes had half the determination you do. Love you!

Oh, and, we should run away to NYC and be bohemian. (except, once again, without the drugs sex and homoerotic lifestyle!) See you soon!


areallycoolgirl December 2 2005, 00:48:03 UTC
Your comment about Rent and living in New York made me laugh. I had to share it with Heather.

I am so proud of you for turning something negative into something really positive. You know, you need something like this where you can really shine...own the stage...be a star. A cabaret would be MUCH better for your growth as an artist...I mean, being in the chorus is something everyone has to do...and sure, it's important...but every now and then you've got to feel like a star. It's just the way it is.


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