1. I'm so sick of all this he said/she said crap. I seriously feel like I'm back in junior high. Get a fuckin life people. It makes me not even want to use AIM anymore. I'm to old for this anyhow. In fact, good luck finding me on it cause I'm done for the time being. I'm not putting up with it.
2. Where is the loyalty nowadays? No one has it.
3. If you fucking have something to say just fucking say it. We're all adults here. (well maybe) But seriously.. It's not that hard. I CAN NOT STAND when people have some issue and don't deal with the person directly. Why is that so hard? Apparently it's more fun to talk about it to other people. Makes sense..................NOT.
4. There is one person in particular I know for a fact is lying to me. Guess what? I'm really not that dumb. You need to get a life as well. I'm sorry I was ever nice to you cause you didn't deserve it.
5. Would everyone stop being fake please?
k, bye.