Yeah, John came across this last night and we were blown away. Many of our friends who are voting for Bush are doing so because he is pro-life. But if you're pro-life and abortions go up, there is something very wrong. I'm not saying that voting for Kerry is going to make the abortions go away (he is pro-choice, as he said in the final debate, because he is trying to represent EVERYONE in America and not just himself), but the pro-life argument for voting for Bush is pretty weak.
my biggest beef with christians and politics is that very thing: christians want to support a pro-life candidate, and by doing so, will put blinders on to every other aspect of that candidate. i have thought a lot about this, and i can't in good conscience support bush based on the past 4 years. there is too much going wrong now and i think he is largely responsible. i wish the majority of christians would pay more attention to health care, social welfare and education beyond the jargon...i wonder if people realize what a mess "no child left behind" really is. if you are a teacher, or are friends with a teacher, you know!
anyway, i agree. i try to make this point to my christian friends, but sometimes it's a lost cause. i think it's really hard to open up the minds of people who are adamantly pro-life OR pro-choice.
Yes. I completely agree. I have a friend whose only reasoning for voting for Bush is because he's pro-life, yet my friend doesn't educate himself on anything else with either candidate. He doesn't want to "change mid-stream". And these are the kind of people who are deciding our future! I would just like to talk to an educated Bush-supporter whose reasoning is more than "Kerry's a flip-flopper" and "Voting for Bush is the Christian-thing to do - Jerry Falwell told me so". And as for the whole "no child left behind" crap, I WAS a teacher for a year and saw the disgrace it brought the school systems. I have many other teacher friends who are adamantly against Bush just for that reason alone
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I'm really glad you posted that. I've ranted before about how things would change if people focused more on being "pro-living" (affecting those who are in crisis situations and are making tough decisions, fighting to change environments in order to reach hearts and minds, allowing our actions to point to alternative solutions rather than just whining or being violent about it) than being "pro-life" we'd see a dramatic change in the way people examine their political candidates.
i personally think that, above all, this article may be more of an indication of our culture's depravity than of the verity of GWB's "pro-life" stances. while i don't think that it's a coincidence that with the increase in Americans without healthcare came an increase in abortions, this article may only say (ultimately) that more people now want to murder their unborn kids.
Comments 15
anyway, i agree. i try to make this point to my christian friends, but sometimes it's a lost cause. i think it's really hard to open up the minds of people who are adamantly pro-life OR pro-choice.
i personally think that, above all, this article may be more of an indication of our culture's depravity than of the verity of GWB's "pro-life" stances. while i don't think that it's a coincidence that with the increase in Americans without healthcare came an increase in abortions, this article may only say (ultimately) that more people now want to murder their unborn kids.
i dunno.
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