I liked that tagged thingy just to see everyones responses.... and the fact that we all have mostly the same circle of friends and ran outta people to tag.. haha
The internet bores me....... :\ It used to fascinate me.. I could spend hours on it doing all sorts of things... Now I sit at my PC, go through my historyy.. bored TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO death.
today I am going to discuss Farts.. not human ones either. If you have a dog, and it farts... you know it can clear a room worse than if your man did it
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I know I have a few artists on my list of friends so check this out, and please submit something and win so I can feel good forever. This was posted on Scott Adams Blog ( he does the dilbert cartoons
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Fun is tying a string to the batman and watching biff and bubba chase "him" around the house while he is trying to get it off. He actually was doing somersaults trying to get away from it.
When I got it off he was looking at the other cats wanting to know why they weren't playing anymore