Title: When the chicken is gone Pairings: Onkey Rating: G Genre: Fluff Summary: What happens when Key forgets the most important dish during their special night. A/N: This is only a drabble XD
"Jinki smiled his goofy smile before giving his boyfriend-or rather girlfriend because Key looks like a girl most of the time"
So true! 8D and Taemin looks like a girl too, like mother like son *w* lolol
"And that was the lesson that Key learned. Always give Jinki his chicken and make him happy so he won’t spill your secrets. That’s how much Jinki loves chicken-next to Key of course."
So that's the reason behind the title! LMAOOOOOOOO CUTEEE ^________^ Write more fics kay? :> Loveyouuu :''>
Jinki said with an intimidating voice. Key nods. I should never ever forget making chicken for him or I will suffer from his blackmails. the diva is just nodded?? that jinki who-didn't-get-chicken-for-dinner must be so scary!!
Comments 13
So true! 8D and Taemin looks like a girl too, like mother like son *w* lolol
"And that was the lesson that Key learned. Always give Jinki his chicken and make him happy so he won’t spill your secrets. That’s how much Jinki loves chicken-next to Key of course."
So that's the reason behind the title! LMAOOOOOOOO CUTEEE ^________^ Write more fics kay? :>
Loveyouuu :''>
Jinki said with an intimidating voice. Key nods. I should never ever forget making chicken for him or I will suffer from his blackmails.
the diva is just nodded?? that jinki who-didn't-get-chicken-for-dinner must be so scary!!
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