I'm Saving This Shit For Posterity

Aug 05, 2009 23:43

 In honor of my buying into the evil corporate world and junking my old phone, I'm deleting a bunch of the crap in my inbox... and these are the random drabbles I didn't want to lose. So, without further ado, I present you with Lots of Useless Shit You Really Don't Want To Read:
katoletomato:  G: But Frankie, its to save people!
paraserpiente:  F: I didn't realize you could write folk music about, uh, vampires
katoletomato: ...lets write fic where Gerard gets into folk music (and bonds with Carden??) and Frank triiies to be understanding and supportive

is the result of when the internet *failed* and the TOK and I were taken unawares about MIKE CADREN'S PREVIOUS FOLK CAREER AND SOLO ALBUM WHAT?! (I *really* need to get that)

And the time we pondered 
paraserpiente: Frank's Italian heritage totally makes his spray tan look natural!  and he spends a lot of time outside anyway so the freckles on his nose are totally natural.  not that gerard's been looking .
katoletomato: Frank keeps *touching* Gerard with the spray tan, running his hands up and down his arms (always very oblivious to his effect on Gerard), joking about how it looks like he fell into one of his cans of paint, trying to peer under his waistband and see how far exactly the tan goes--which Gerard refuses to answer on principle, which just makes Frank put more effort into peeking.

Which is sadly less applicable now that Gerard has a tan for reals--seriously. just look at pics from comic con. (what is up with this? did lynz magically cure his allergy to the sun? props to her anyway for being the coolest person alive)

And...okay, I don't even know what we were pondering

katoletomato: what if... Mikey writes a song for Pete and tries to talk MCR into playing it...
katoletomato: Gerard: *earnest* Mikey, we can't just play anything. We have to SAVE people!
katoletomato: Frank: you WHAT?! *giggling so hard he falls out of his chair*
katoletomato: Bob: *intense silent stare*
katoletomato: Ray: *grumbles about abuse and musical integrity*
paraserpiente: Mikey: :l :l you write songs about your love for Frank. *sudden silence falls*
katoletomato: Bob: *cracks very slight smile*
katoletomato: Frank: = O whaaaa?
katoletomato: Ray: ARTISTIC INTEGRITY, PEOPLE! *slams door*
paraserpiente: Mikey: *unrepentant*
katoletomato: That night, Frank tells Jamia. She (predictably) starts laughing.
katoletomato: Frank: *sputtering* ITS NOT FUNNY!
katoletomato: Jamia: You really didn't know? *cackles*
paraserpiente: Jamia: Honey, the vampires are a metaphor.
paraserpiente: Frank: For WHAT?
paraserpiente: Jamia: Well...
paraserpiente: *pause*
paraserpiente: Frank: oh my GOD
katoletomato: Frank confronts Gerard.
katoletomato: Gerard: Its not what you think!
katoletomato: Frank: Vampires?!
katoletomato: Gerard: ...vampires are romantic?
katoletomato: speaking of which, Gerard totally always buys Lyn-z vampire-themed gifts and he doesn't understand why she gets pissed bc vampires are AWESOME and ROMANTIC, ok??
paraserpiente: THEY ARE CREATURES OF THE NIGHT OKAY? THEY ARE MYSTERIOUS! and feed on the essence of LIFE. GOD. philistines.
paraserpiente: Gerard: You started this in the first place, Mikey.
paraserpiente: Mikey: Can we sing my song now?
paraserpiente: Gerard: NO. paraserpiente: Mikey: kay. I'ma go show frank the doodles where he's buffy...
Really. Not a clue.

Soooo... someone should write these. Yeah? Just sayin'. 'Cause we're not going to. We already have enough crack!fic going on DON'T WE TOK???

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