
Jul 26, 2010 05:49

Yesterday portableteejay and I went to see Inception. It was definitely good--we both felt it was one of the few movies we'd seen recently that could be said to actually be worth the theater price. (On an aside--seriously, are movie theaters insane? We are now only a few dollars away from it being officially more expensive to go see a movie than to buy a DVD ( Read more... )

reviews, tv/movie ramblings, dreams

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Comments 4

thegreatmissjj July 26 2010, 14:25:40 UTC
I liked Inception quite a bit (but I think Memento is the better film by the same director), but I don't think it's so "ooooooh amazing" as so many people seem to think. Certainly it made me think (which is pretty rare for a movie these days), and that's really, really appreciated.

There are a lot of internal logic holes (some of which can sort of be explained in this review, which--I won't lie--kind of blew my mind) that I couldn't quite reconcile, especially with regards to the ending ( ... )


katranna July 26 2010, 17:36:42 UTC
I'm gonna explain my fall/didn't fall theory in my next post. :-) Although hint: it's both, and there are two parallel/opposite character arcs that run throughout the movie for Cobb depending on which reading you choose, and it's kind of... darkly FUNNY to switch between them at the end. (One, the more obvious and appealing to the general audience, being about redemption, and the other one...heh heh heh heh. The opposite, obviously ( ... )


aliterati July 26 2010, 17:12:25 UTC
Agreeing with the other comment on this point: I totally liked the movie, but I think a lot of those minor details you think you haven't really "grasped" yet are just logical holes. There was a lot of selective rule application and failed parallelism in the way the transitions between dreams, etc, were constructed.


katranna July 26 2010, 17:24:51 UTC
Well, yes, I initially saw them as logical holes. They may very well still be that--Teejay was a lot more generous, and offered explanations for them that did make sense. I assume if I watch the movie a few more times, I'll be able to tell which of them are actually logic holes and which are actually consistent with the overall rules, but I just misunderstood what was going on.


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