So, I haven't updated in a while. Sue me.
Things have been going pretty good lately, I suppose. Bekah is coming in tonight ? Weekends are so much better when Bekah is here. ( : <3
I've been thinking, I need a boy.
I need to go shower.
Fill this out, now )
Comments 6
1. name: Beth Anne
2. age: 15
3. where on earth do you live: Virginia
4. what makes you happy: Cheese Sticks. :)
5. what have you been listening to lately: Smile Empty Soul.
6. do you enjoy reading my LJ: Yep, whenever you update.
7. if so, why: -shrugs-
8. interesting fact about you: I like cheese.
9. are you in love at the moment: Yep. <3 Glen <3
10. favourite destination: PA
11. favourite quote: "fuck you"
12. Whats your screename: emoxbiitch17
13. will you post this in your LJ: Yep.
1. a movie: The Notebook
2. a book: Face the Music
3. a band, song or album: Smile Empty Soul
post a picture of yourself(I DEMAND PICTURES!):
( ... )
1. name:jessica
2. age:14
3. where on earth do you live:covington, va
4. what makes you happy:you,food, water, weed, pills, oh and and and and brownies. :)
5. what have you been listening to lately: peeps talking
6. do you enjoy reading my LJ:sure do big girl
7. if so, why:duh. its katrina's
8. interesting fact about you:i only weigh 117 lbs but look like a hippo.
9. are you in love at the moment: sure
10. favourite destination:subway
11. favourite quote:fuck off
12. Whats your screename:xmetallicax_420
13. will you post this in your LJ:yup
1. a movie: the breakfast club (got to love it)
2. a book: a love to die for
3. a band, song or album:sublime
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