Title: Matching Chaos
Pairing: Ethan/Xander
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex, Mind control, dub-con, Kidnapping, D/s, bondage
Summary: Ethan was surprised, but pleased, to see who had answered his summons.
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon does. All I own is the plot.
spring_with_xan ’s Tribute to Xander.
Read the pretty darkness under the cut.... )
Comments 2
I guess we know who Xander true friends are. I figured Dawn and Anya would notice him missing, I never thought Spike would before Buffy and Willow.
I can't help but wonder what Janus has planned. Is he going to make Xander his soon? And will you be writing that?
Spike, Dawn and Anya see that Xander is the true hero fo the group. The others were coehearsed into working for the powers, and only Xander chose to fight the good fight. Spike respects him for that, Dawn loves Xander, and Anya sees the humanity that she craves now that she's no longer a demon.
Janus will take over Ethan in about a year..... I think... and then Janus will use Xander as a reward system for his minons... but no... I don't plan on writing the sequel soon... I have 4 other projects to write.
But thank you for the review!
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