(no subject)

Aug 16, 2012 19:51

Bear was running around at the playground, playing hide-and-seek tag with some other kids, and ran smack into a pole, opening a big gash just above his right eye. It bled. Oh, gods, it bled. It looked just awful - it was so deep. (I was sick, it was so bad. Literally - shaking, dizzy, cold sweats, and once we got to the hospital and they could hand me a bedpan, I threw up. When I should have been supporting my son. Argh.) Had another lovely ambulance ride, which of course he hated at the top of his lungs and I hated just as much, but more quietly.

This time, went to Access of Springfield, where the kindly doctor informed us that, while it was riskier with respect to scars and re-opening. he could glue it together rather than stitch. Oh, blessed heavens, thank you! (His eyebrow will probably droop a bit for the rest of his life. But scars add character.) That wasn't as bad, nearly, as the stitches were last time, though we had to hold him down so the doc could clean it out (Jason arrived just as they were getting ready to do that, bless him).

And now he's got a big old bandage covering steri-strips covering the glued wound, and he must be kept quiet, out of the sun, and prevented from injuring it again for at least the next two weeks. Which means no Parents' Night Out tomorrow, no TKD Saturday, and unless they can keep him busy with quiet crafts, no circus camp next week (sob). And I have to keep an active, fit six-year-old boy with ADHD calm and quiet for two weeks. Wish me, um, luck, or something. Maybe my pediatrician can give me a tranquilizer dart gun? (I kid, I kid. Maybe.)

But everything is OK now, or at least better. Making dinner.
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