I'm working on a few things right now and I'm trying to prioritize (more like listing them) so I won't forget anything along the road which is why I'm putting this up over anything else (by fiddling with the date).
There are Healing takes time and Of Scars off course but I'm also working on Cool Crew Material (chapter 4 is almost done and chapter 5 is already down in my head).
There are also (unpublished for now) a fic that for now is labeled "Jensen have a russian sniper ex-wife nobody knew about" and a "Jensen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith 'verse" that are on my pc waiting for me to pick them up along with a Fast and Furious crossover (and why oh why is Jensen always the one who gets the short stick in my fanfictions?).
Plus I have the two fics for
losers_minibang which one is the Happy!Ending fic for
oh_la_fraise and the other is the Cult!Fic for
kelly_girl that have spawned another monster.
Said monster is a fic that in my mind is labelled "Jensen goes undercover to discover why a percentual of the government hackers that enters a certain master course ends up quitting their jobs and start working for one out of three big companies (always the same)" and it involves Max, brainwashing,
someone who can pass as Cougar brother named Ramon who gets it on with Jensen and shenaningans (and Cougar lining up the bullets he's going to pump me full with).
Then I'm STILL working on the fics I got up to do for the
losers_fic dvd-comment-party which are Bodyswap and Hermaphroditism.
I'm going to repost It's a small world after all but I don't think I'll continue it, at least by now, and it can be considered concluded there.
Also because that one spawned the plotbunny from hell that is "Cougar POV on Cougar and Jensen taking the Petunias to Disneyland" and THAT one is going to be an hard one (it already features being blocked on the It's a small world ride and consequent retaliation from Jensen with total Cougar support and sneaky use of the Petunias as look-outs).
There is anyone with knowledge of Disney theme parks inner working that could help me with that one, by the way?
How Jensen got recluted and how much he's actually trained Fucking plot-bunnies.
Now I'm seeing Jensen as an ex-Green Beret who's been trained in SERE tactics and has been in a couple of AIT schools with added Six Sigma training before being loned to the UN Blue Helmets for a year and then landing in Black Ops first and then in the Losers (one phrase in one fic [a Losers/Glee crossover at that], I swear, and I'm hitting wikipedia harder than ever).
I'm thinking about early recruitment after he did something that got him classified not only as a genius but also as a potential recruit for the Army.
I could or could be not thinking of mashing this one up with the 'russian sniper ex-wife' fic.
Fuck my brain.
That should be all, at least for now.
Oh really important though!
I work better bouncing ideas off people (as the lovelies
emocezi (I couldn't post a post, without naming her) and
setos_puppy already knows) and spamming them and I'm open to do the same for others.
So if you want to chat with me (I live in a totally different time zone than Canada and USA but it's manageable,
emocezi could testify about that) I'm on pretty much all the time I'm awake and not out of my house (which is A LOT) :)
You can find me at iljanayelchin@hotmail.it on msn