Title: Healing Takes Time - Time to stop
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Pooch, Jolene, Julie and his therapyst had coalized
Warnings: Heavy spoilers for the end of the comics. Fix-it fic.
Author Note: This is the third one of a series of I still don't know how many ficlets. This is un-betaed for now but hopefully it will get beta-ed by
emocezi sooner or later
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Comments 10
This series *may* have caused a plotbunny infestation in my head, and I've just finished proofing the prologue and actually came on here to post in when I read these two most recent updates.
I"ve got a lot of it all plotted out and a decent portion written, but now that I'm finally reading what you've posted (I'm a bit behind on the flist) I'm finding some similarities in my own story. They're not intentional- I'm not plagiarizing or anything- you've just inspired me, big time, and I wanted to let you know. :)
Yeah, Jensen couldn't help himself once he saw that hat and he's conscious that he has to move on. He wouldn't, if he hadn't got Roque but the baby is reason enough to do it. Not much for himself but for the innocent baby yes.
YAY for plotbunny infestation! I've just read your piece and I like it, really much, I'm going to comment on it for sure!
I also have the biggest parts of the story already plotted out but don't worry about the similarities. It's probably because the situation doesn't allow much leeway for us to work with to get Coug out of that fucking situation with the bomb.
I'm really happy (and honored) that I inspired someone. Seeing my name listed as the font of inspiration for someone makes me squee, you have no idea how much.
I'm going to follow your story because it's really interesting and there can never be enough fix-it fic :)
Cool- I have to admit, I was a little worried about the fact that I'm taking on the same kind of story. But definitely, in this case, imitation is meant as a compliment, to be sure! :)
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