
Mar 01, 2022 21:39

Can you believe? Now already two months of 2022 have passed. The third year of Pandemic. And I have not traveled abroad for 2 and half years. This suddenly makes me almost cry.

travel/going out, thought

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Comments 2

vjezkova March 2 2022, 21:25:30 UTC
It IS frustrating.
But suddenly, covid is forgotten here - it is nothing in comparison with the war and its possible spread together with all the consequences for our normal lives...


katriona_s March 3 2022, 03:55:43 UTC
You are right. Now we care far more about Ukraine than the covid around ourselves. And I’m afraid… in Urkaine how is the pandemic? Even in the war there must be many patients and they must be suffering. Who would take care of them? It’s really, really not the time to invade other country. The Russian is lunatic.


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