Much craziness today!! First, Tyler called me this morning(YAYZIPSINGSANGCAPOW!!)!!! He's on four day leave, somewhere in .... well, not Iraq currently, and that's what's important. He told me an unsettling story about a fillintheblank mounted 50 cal (I have no idea, I just know it's a mounted gun) got literally sliced in half by a piece of shrapnel, but thankfully no person was hurt. Bwah. He's buing me neat things, though, keeping currency and newpapers and just interesting little stuff. He promised to buy me some... the full body-covering things. Whatever they're called. He's getting like, 1k a week. Which is great, but to be honest I'd rather him be getting nothing so long as he's HOME.
And then the tornado! Bill and I were watching wqad's news/website, along with the sky- and when I called Jon out there, he seemed interested but didn't look one bit scared. Then there was a line across the sky, purple with green on the other side, that was moving *very* fast towards us- and as we were all watching it, saw it start to swirl. Bill gave us the go-ahead and we took all the animals to the downstairs bathroom (well, after Linx got away and I went upstairs to Jon's room to retrieve her), and us three peoples climed through the trapdoor into the "basement"- I use the term lightly, as it's really nothing more than a semi-large crawl space which I can barely stand up in (and you have to move to the other side to do that, poor Bill had a heck of a time). I did alright, really, because as much as I hate enclosed spaces, it was better than a tornado. Then Cow and Linxy came down through the trapdoor- I was going to just leave them in the bathroom, to be honest, because by the timewe all finally got down there the alarm went off. After I got the cats around me, though, I was a lot calmer.
In other news, I have a new bottle of Jose and a few limes. Also, Mamma and her network of friends and friends of friends are working on getting me more neopets!! whoo!