New SGA Fic: It's The Little Things

Mar 06, 2009 22:48

This is a (VERY!) late entry for the 2nd Annual Ficathon over at sheps_atlantis. As it went rather...epic on me, I'll be posting one part per day over the next six days.

Title: It's The Little Things
Rating: PG (mostly for violence and possibly a wee bit of 'colorful' language on Ronon's part *grins*)
Pairing/Characters: Gen fic with team and no pairings
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sga fic

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Comments 8

linziday March 7 2009, 07:02:32 UTC
SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! *jumps up and down* My fic is done! Yay! And it's awesome!

I love, love, love wee!John being the leader even though they don't really know how or why they trust him to be so. I adore young Ronon and his blaster. And that scene with John faking surrender and then getting down so Ronon could have a clear shot... only the coolest thing ever.

My only problem with this fic? It's going to take me six days to see it all! But, actually, that's probably a good thing because it's 2 a.m. here now and 50,000 more words would take me until dawn. So, you know, you're allowing me to get some sleep by not postng it all at once. Still, I can't wait to see more.

Thank you for writing this.


katstale March 7 2009, 07:27:03 UTC
She likes it--YAY!!! *does happy dance of joy*

I am SO relieved to hear that! As long as I made you wait for it, I so wanted for you to be pleased with it, even more than normal, lol. :D

And I must say, thank *YOU* for giving me such an awesome bunny to play with!! *hugs*


titan5 March 7 2009, 12:37:39 UTC
"Sir, they may be ten years old now, but they're still Colonel Sheppard and his team. If they don't want to be seen, they won't be seen. Period."

I LOVE that! The teamwork is as phenomenal as ever and it's kind of cool the way they don't even know why. Loved the ruse by John and Ronon to stun the marine.


katstale March 7 2009, 19:48:20 UTC
Thanks so much for the kind words! :D It was a challenge to keep them young, but still essentially *them* underneath it all. Even so, I can't say it enough--I had *seriously* WAAAAY too much fun writing this one. :D Hearing that people are enjoying reading it too is very sweet icing on the ol' proverbial cake! *still smiling ear-to-ear*


padawan_aneiki March 7 2009, 17:10:46 UTC
This is phenomenal m'dear. :) I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the completed version. :)



katstale March 7 2009, 19:53:32 UTC
:D Thankies!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it again, lol. I don't think too much has changed since you first saw it, but I also know you missed bits along the way, too. So I'm very happy to hear that you still like it, lol. :D

Hope you're doing okay today--I'll be thinking of you and I've already had a cup of Snickerdoodle coffee for ya here at Riley's. :D (Though the fresh-baked cinnamon roll, which was DEVINE, was strictly for mwah!

I think I already told you this, but just in case, the next part will go up after dinner this evening...sometime. *grins*


space1traveler March 18 2009, 00:13:26 UTC
Words cannot express how I am feeling about you right now...later *heading over to Chap. 2*


katstale March 18 2009, 19:36:42 UTC
LOL, thank you! I'm very happy you're enjoying my not-so-little romp with the rascals. :D


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