Title: It's The Little Things
katstaleRating: PG (mostly for violence and possibly a wee bit of 'colorful' language on Ronon's part *grins*)
Pairing/Characters: Gen fic with team and no pairings
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em & not making any money off this--if I did or I were, we'd SO be having a Season 6!!!
Summary: The team is returned to Atlantis
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Comments 9
Poor Rodney! I hope he's okay....
Oh, just wait until you see what they get up to/into tomorrow! *snickers*
I'm so pleased you are enjoying how Carson is handling things--I have nothing against Keller, per se, but the muse really wanted Carson to be in charge of them here. :)
And somehow, I just can't see this team ever *not* being protective of one another--no matter what the circumstances. I'm very happy you approve of that also--it's your story so I want you to love every bit of it! :D
Oh, as for Rodney...*whistles innocently* ;)
Carson's involvement wasn't something I'd planned in advance. He sorta just showed up at the first briefing scene and demanded to be written into it. So I let him have his way, and I have to admit that I'm really rather pleased with the results. I just love it when this kind of thing happens, lol! :D
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It was definitely a challenge to keep what makes them who they are now while also making them seem like they are children, too. Carson's appearance wasn't something I'd planned, but I'm very pleased with how it worked out and I can't imagine it any other way now, lol. :) I'm very happy to hear his presence seems to be working from a reader's standpoint also. :)
Ronon is a little pistol and Teyla is a girl. (lol)
This is so much fun to read!
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