The bitch is back

Jan 20, 2015 20:45

So, yeah. I'm gonna make the valid attempt to actually make some goddamn posts this year. The goal is not a daily post (because I'm too flaky for that to last for more than a month tops), but at least one weekly update. So here goes with that.

Since my last post, there have been... shakeups at Mirko. In which I mean the owner got pissy over a miscommunication and fired the store's GM, then worked his schedule for over two weeks, hired a new GM who has just started as of Thursday in our shop, and then hired back the old GM as a backup manager/server.

In the same span of time, he got pissy over
apollymi doing double-time work to try and keep things flowing in the areas of expo on food and seating customers and fired her for a grand total of twenty-four hours before Ex-GM/Backup hired her back with Owner's permission. She's now doing hosting five days of the week rather than food running because new GM prefers to have a host every night over a food runner (and will utilize servers who are off the schedule to fill the empty spot, but more on that later) and serving at least one lunch a week. Needless to say, we're both a bit wary on our standing (especially given that during the yami-is-fired-now-she's-not stage, Owner was under the impression that I quit... despite the fact that I wasn't even on the schedule and was there as backup-if-needed-but-seriously-chillin-at-Starbucks) as employees for much longer.

And now, a quick note back to GM's tendency to use off-duty servers as food runners: given that I started as a food runner, I have no problem at all filling in. Actually, I'm on backup for the days I'm not on the schedule just in case any server whose filling in calls out for some reason. However, some of the servers (one in particular who I call B rather than his full name on most days) have been very vocally opposed to it. B even stated - loudly, on Saturday night, as the restaurant was filling up with customers - that he was "hired to be a server, and [he's] not going to be here if not on the schedule to work as a server." GM managed to get J to cover on that night, but it doesn't show good teamwork skills. Hell, L straight up told me on Monday night that she was going to apologize to Li for any time she may have grabbed a plate from the window without mentioning it to the food runner, because she now has first-hand experience of just how goddamn frustrating it is to not know if food has gone out yet or not.

So... needless to say, I can handle change but what I cannot handle is change that arrives with so much goddamn, unnecessary strife. During the twenty-four hours of "what the fuck is wrong with Owner today," Li and I had talked with L regarding our desire to find other employment. L knew of a local restaurant hiring pretty much everything for front of house: servers and hosts especially. So we went over there today (initially planned as an outing last week, but there were circumstances that kept it from happening) and filled out a couple of applications. Two different managers spoke with us while we were there, so here's hoping something positive comes of this.

As for other issues, I don't feel much like talking on 'em at the moment. I just needed to get some of this out, and I'm pretty okay with that.

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general: life: work: mirko, general: life: work, general: life: atl, general: babble

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