Episode title: The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Show Up After You Forget Them
Source of subs: KindaHorribleSubs
What happened in the episode:
Katsura discovered a message that says ‘Don’t look’ in Elizabeth’s room.
Katsura being Katsura, he rambles on about what it might mean until Gin-san punches him.
“Or does it count as looking when I’m looking for what it is that I’m not supposed to be looking for? In that case, I’ll have to look for someone to look for what I’m not supposed to look for, before deciding if I should look or if I should not look. So I’m looking for someone who’s willing to look for an answer. But if I’m not supposed to look, then I can’t look for the someone to look for the someone to look for the someone to look for the…"
Gin-san’s theory is that Elizabeth has ran away from home. Katsura can’t accept that, claiming that Elizabeth had no reason to feel unhappy.
But somehow he can’t remember when he last saw Elizabeth…
In fact, all his memories about Elizabeth are very fuzzy (although Shinpachi claims that this problem with Katsura’s brain has always existed XD)
Katsura being the genius that he is decides to go through Elizabeth’s old signs to obtain some clues about Elizabeth’s disappearance.
Too bad most of the signs just show that Eli and Katsura spent most of their time in front of the TV like some sort of madao XD But remembering those god old times makes Katsura sad T_T
But then, prompted by a sign, a prolonged flashback ensues, in which Eli and Katsura have a hard time dealing with the cold winter and suddenly end up helping an old woman.
Elizabeth’s relationship with the old woman gets weird.
It causes traumatizing memories to resurface.
Another flashback finally reveals the horrifying truth about Elizabeth that leaves Katsura in deep shock.
He managed to regain his memories that Elizabeth erased, but it didn’t make him feel much better.
But he takes it like a man.
And decides to go to space. On a horse.
The result is somewhat predictable.
Elizabeth’s ex (?)-girlfriend appears and works her feminine viles on Katsura.
But Katsura makes a moving speech and everything is right in the world. ‘I may have a hundred doubts, a thousand doubts, but I choose to believe in the drink we shared.’
‘He must have his reasons. He must have been forced into his current situation.’
Leave it to Katsura to come up with a plan!
But what exactly he will come up with - that we will find out in the next episode.
Thoughts about Katsura from this episode?
1. He is a total nerd. Who else would be excited about watching commercials and actually reenact them? XD And what is it with the suspiciously authentic samurai outfit - did he perchance buy it in a cosplay shop? XD
2. He is so scatterbrained… Who else would plan to go to space on a horse? XD I hope it is just him being his usual self, and not some residual damage from the temporary memory loss.
3. Elizabeth is important for him. To the extent that he would do the most difficult things to save Elizabeth. But it really makes me wonder about their relationship. At first Elizabeth was a pet for him, he even entered her in a pet show. But then gradually Elizabeth became more and more like a human companion, and by now Katsura definitely considers Elizabeth human. I guess that just shows what a good person Katsura is and how he is able to look beyond the appearance and like people for their personality. It’s not like anyone would normally be able to be friends with something like Elizabeth.
4. Continuing the theme of friends being important, Katsura says some really heartfelt words about friendship here. It is really like we discussed about the previous episode - he needs somebody around him, his personality is just not suited to be a lone wolf.
5. Katsura recovered his memories after he got a taste of Elizabeth’s memory-erasing drink. Does that mean Katsura is resistant to poisons and drugs? Or maybe it doesn’t mean much, since Elizabeth’s slutty girlfriend recovered her memories, too…
6. Katsura is not all that innocent, he got a nosebleed when looking upskirt of the slutty girlfriend. On the one hand, I am disappoint - I suppose I thought of him as of somebody far above such carnal matters, as of somebody pure and innocent… But on the other hand, his nosebleed just shows he is a man of flesh and blood, and it just makes him more human. Sort of takes him down from the pedestal, thus bringing him closer to the people.
7. Katsura has such a lot of place to store all the signs Elizabeth has used, and he has a room where they sat and watched the TV, and yet they were out alone in winter in Katsura’s flashback… I wonder if he was just trying to make it more dramatic, or whether they really have had such difficult circumstances sometimes…
8. I will be very surprised if it turns out that Elizabeth is a bad guy, I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to hang around Katsura for such a long time and not be infected with his naïve idealism. So I think Katsura doesn’t need to worry, all his memories were not a lie and Elizabeth really did have fun being around him.
Any comments and/or other observations?